I strongly believe that fears can be overcome, even at the age of 59¾. Gliding is something I would never have considered doing if I hadn’t been gifted the “experience” by my offspring for my last birthday.
Normally when I receive a gift I’m delighted. This time, however, when I’d opened the blue envelope, I looked down at the palms of my hands and saw that tiny beads of perspiration had formed. I was delighted. Thank you truly kids.
My son even gave me a “get out” – namely “If you don’t want to do it, then I will.” But no. I held on to that voucher.
Now, I’ve flown many many times for both work and holiday in the past and even been up in a small plane a couple of times. And I’m really not good with heights.
I finally did it.
First off was awareness and parachute training (all one minute seventeen seconds of it). Parachute training was:
“We’ve never had to do this, but pull the handle by your left shoulder with your right hand – hard. If the lines are twisted, turn yourself about until they’re unravelled and bend your knees and roll on landing.”
Fast forward to take off…
The glider pilot and I were literally slung up into the sky by a modern form of trebuchet. Not just once, but twice.
The first flight was definitely sweaty palms and white knuckle. Adrenaline pulsed through my veins at every bump and I was glad to be back on firm ground. And then the discomfort started again. The second time though, was, dare I say it, fun.
Actually it was amazing. We could see for miles and miles from Dartmoor down to the coast. And it’s so quiet. All of this would not have been possible without the help and support of my pilot, who was, despite the above, brilliant.
It all goes to show what you can do with the right support behind you. You literally can reach for the sky. And so to how we can support you.
Here at EMCS, we are your IT pilot and support. If you need reassurance and help for you to truly enjoy the benefits of your PC, or if it has suddenly coming crashing to the ground, please do… Call us on 01984 633 603 And we’ll be sure to help.